About us

Meet Kev

Hi everybody, thank you for getting pas the homepage and coming inside, you've got this far so that should mean your interested? Yes! well thats great, if you click on the link below and send me your email address, i will make sure your are registered to receive updates regarding the progression of the official site and launch details.

The making of MK Media Solutions
MK Media Solutions is also known as MK Media, (Production Name), and was born at the beginning of 2003. MK Media is formed by a partnership between two Producers Kev Higgins (ME!) and Manisha Patel.

My original Company KTH Media Solutions was the first in the family of businesses owned by KTH Holdings Ltd. and also included a company called Gestures Dance World Limited, also known as GDW Ltd.

MK Media is the production company behind iNFAN8

copyrighted (c) 2003 MK Media, Kev Higgins)

Pre-register here
Email me here with your email address and i will add you to the official mailing list and give you the oppertunity to become a free member.

Kev the Webmaster

MK Media's Favorite Sites (August 2003)
Favorite Links from Kev