
This is the newsletter page for non subscribers, you will not get as much detail in the newsletter as subscribers, please subscribe, its free and there is nothing to lose...

August 1st Newsletter

2nd August 2003

This is the first newsletter to be produced and sent to all our subscribers...

Hello! and welcome to the very first iNFAN8 Newsletter...

I apologise for the poor design and content of this first newsletter, this should not be taken to be the style and content of any other newsletter... This is just because i have been quite ill this week, i dont know whats up but i really haven't been able to work for the last two nights, and therefore, being a poor student, i dont have net access at home and i had nothing to upload to the site...

From next Friday (8th August 2003), there will be regular updates to the website, and regular newsletters on either the Friday afternoon or the Saturday morning. There is more detailed site news below. The success of this project depends upon you and your support of iNFAN8, and if your wondering what the hell is iNFAN8? then keep reading.

Site News
Right, site news... The site as it stands at is just a pre-launch site (or webspace) area for general information to be broadcast regarding iNFAN8. There will be weekly updates to this site and also news regarding the official site launch, at the end of August 2003.

There was a planned server move suppost to take place this weekend but as i have been ill, i was unable to finalise these details, the move will now take place early next week. On the pre-launch site you will now find a subscription form, please register here and follow the instructions you will receive in your email to confirm. Please register as there will be no further newsletters released to non members until the subscribers number 10, now thats not a lot of people... I promise that there will be no adverts taking up space within the newsletters and your details are kept private... Registering is TOTALLY FREE and very easy to set up... Please tell everyone you know to subscribe, if there are less than 10 people subscribed by next friday (8th August 2003), there will be no more iNFAN8 site, newsletter, or project for that matter... You have the power to make this work... Please use it...

Want to know more about iNFAN8? - Send this newsletter or our URL to 10 of your trusted friends, or just create a little bit of interest with a small group of people and the already-prepared newsletter from next week (8th August 2003) will be release early, this contains Photographs, graphics, and all the information needed about what the hell iNFAN8 is...

And Finally...

This is the first and last official newsletter that will be posted here on this site. Non members will just a few text updates on the main page of the site, and followinf the server move, the news updates on the site for non members will be small, and infrequent.

For subscribers on the other hand, they will be treated to full HTML email newsletters from the official iNFAN8 Mailing list, they will also be given the chance to enter competitions and to win free stuff, FREE! If you want to try something new, try iNFAN8, you wont be dissapointed...

MK Media (c) 2003